Thank you for creating this special tribute page in memory of Alan. Your kindness in choosing to support Rowcroft Hospice in this way will help to ensure that our care and services are provided to future patients and their families. We hope that knowing this provides you with some comfort.
On behalf of everyone at Rowcroft Hospice, thank you for your support. Our thoughts are with you at this time.
Rebecca & the Individual Giving & Legacies Team, Rowcroft Hospice
2nd September 2024
What beautiful photos of happy times and fabulous memories, sending love to you all, take care xx
Hilary Emms
1st September 2024
Thank you for setting up this memorial to Alan.
We hope that you find it a positive experience developing the site and that it becomes a place of comfort and inspiration for you to visit whenever you want or need to.
Sent by Stockman & Loram on 30/08/2024